Asphalt Suppliers
The best available high PSV aggregate on the market imported from the finest granite quarries in the world.
Infrastructure Specialists
Lane Rental Services Ltd operate in all sectors of infrastructure construction and maintenance.
Road Surfacing
Four dedicated highly skilled surfacing teams complete schemes ranging in value from 5k to 500k plus.
Road Maintenance Specialists
Based in Pocklington, Yorkshire the business has been carefully developed to provide a unique range of services to the road construction and maintenance industry.
A performance based Culture is combined with a strong commitment to Health and Safety and the environment.
Innovation is at the heart of everything which we do, and we constantly strive to introduce better practices, improved methods of working, and longer lasting sustainable products to our industry.

Latest News
Lane Rental Tackles 1:6 Hill Surfacing in North Yorkshire
At Lane Rental, the challenge of surfacing a 1:6 hill in a rural location was not just about the steep gradient.
Hull Asphalt Logistics and Distribution Supplies 1:6 Hill Surfacing Project in Remote Rural Area
The task of surfacing a 1:6 hill in a remote rural location demands more than technical skill.